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Is a Fatwa on violence and terrorism good enough?

Reuters recently reported that "top US scholars issued a fatwa...against terrorism...and called on Muslims to help authorities fight the scourge of militant violence." Is this "fatwa" a sufficient condemnaton of the violence and global gurilla war that radical Islam is fighting against the West? Futhermore, Why was this idict issued 4 years after 9/11? Why do these same scholars and religious leaders refuse to specifically denounce Osama Bin Laden and associates?

"Ibrahim Hooper, spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said it was the first time Muslims in North America had issued an anti-terrorism edict, although they had repeatedly condemned such acts of violence." Why should we take any of this rhetoric seriously when they have done nothing but sit on their hands while fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters were killed in the World Trade Center, Pentagon, Spanish trains, and the Underground of London. Where was this condemnation when our Embassy was stormed in Tehran, when the USS Cole was attacked, or when the Marines were killed in Beirut. Frankly, this is too little too late!

This fatwa is meaningless, "because Islam is not based on a world-wide hierarchical structure, the edicts are not globally binding, and only affect the community whose religious leaders have issued the rulings." Last time I checked most of the criminal and butchers responsible for the cowardly acts mentioned above came mostly from the Middle East and more specifically the Whabbist controlled Saudi region! It is interesting to note that within the last few weeks Sheikh Mohammed Omran, of Melbourne, Australia went on record defending the actions of Osama Bin Laden and his network; Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammad calls for all of Europe to surrender or be slaghtered by the "sword of Islam," and Abu Hamza, the cleric accused of tutoring Richard Reid before he tried to blow up a Paris-to-Miami jetliner with explosives hidden in his shoe, urged a crowd of 200 outside his former Finsbury Park mosque to embrace death and the "culture of martyrdom." This propaganda can be allowed any longer! We can not as a society, who believe in and support the sanctity of life, allow this rehtoric continue. We need to wake up a realize that the only difference between these barbars and the Nazi's is that they have cloaked their treachery in religion!

God Bless our Troops and Godspeed!
4:26 PM