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A few months and a few concerns

It has been a few month since I wrote about my excitement that President Bush was reelected. I have to tell you that since that day, I have become frustrated with President Bush and his administration. My frustration stems from seemingly careless way that the War on Terror is being waged. I agree that this war is the "war" of my generation and must be fought. This is a fight against those that would destroy this nation and any other nation that embraces freedom and liberty. Without due diligence in this matter our country will lose this fight for it's life. Our enemy will stop at nothing short of reducing our biggest cities to rumble, economy to ruin, and destroy our way of life, but what is bothering me is the enormous effort that is being put into fighting abroad and ignoring the threats that exist right here in our own country. I speak of our borders. This administration seems content to go across the street and fight the bully head on in their front yard while we leave the back door of our country not only unlocked but wide open. What good is fighting a war on terror on battlefield if our enemy can learn some Spanish and crawl over the border in Nogales. If Bush recognizes the seriousness of this fight against terror and Islamofascism so much that he is willing to risk American GI's to defeat it, then why is he content to leave our borders unsecure?
10:51 AM

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