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Looking forward

I was tremendously heartened by the re-election of our Commander and Chief George W. Bush. This was a resounding triumph for our nation. We told the world, the UN, our European critics, and our enemies abroad and within, that we will NOT cower or surrender to the threats and demands of a terrorist on a video, threats found on a laptop, or the judgment's of the international community. The previously "silent majority;" the socially conservative have come forward and started to take back their nation. Despite what the "ministry of the mainstream media" claims, we are a nation of socially conservative workers that that stood up for what is right, moral, and just.

As we enbark on this journey, W: Term II, let us hold the House Representatives, our Senators, and the Bush administration accountable for their time in Washington. Let us demand that our borders be protected and secured, our language is preserved, our tax code reflect and protect our most valuable asset: small business and the middle class, that we are given the opportunity to control our social security, and that we continue to supply our intelligence and our armed forces the tools and funding to continue to spread freedom and justice across the globe.

God Bless America
God Bless the Troops and Godspeed!
7:24 PM

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