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Where much is given much is required

Not to beat a dead horse here, but I was doing some "deep" thinking in the midst of another Hayls meltdown. I was thinking of more reasons why we have been given the awesome and often overwhelming responsibility of parenting a bi-polar child. The answers that came to me while dodging flying feet were not all that difficult to understand. The first answer is because we can! It doesn't get any simpler than that answer. God with that infinite wisdom He wields sees that Steph and I possess the skills and patience to parent this unique child. The second reason is that we care and understand. Here again God sees that we have seen the result of what can occur when a special needs child is not properly provided for in this life. I wonder how much of youth violence either by youth or adult to youth is the result of unchecked mental illness.

Here is the overwhelming part of what I learned during this thinking session, God thought our daughter was so special and important that He sent her to us for special keeping and raising. With so many special needs children being given to parents that either do not understand or care...Hayls must be pretty special indeed
9:56 PM

1 Response to "Where much is given much is required"

liana Says :
11:53 AM, September 02, 2008

What a poignant way to explain how fortunate you all are to have each other. Flying feet? You really do have MAD skills!

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